On Thu, 13 Apr 2017 13:48:04, Eric Blake wrote:
Is it still a problem with pselect, where rebuilding with the same
configuration as 7.0.1-2 fixes things? I'm really not sure how to even
go about debugging this one, and it's not my highest priority at the
moment (I've got coreutils 8.27 to build for cygwin, and autoconf 2.70
to release upstream).  So any help is welcome.

Ok. I have not gone through the whole commit, as it is huge:


but I did find something. Using:

   git checkout readline-7.0-alpha~1

for the last good commit and:

   git checkout readline-7.0-alpha

for the first bad commit, I found that the change to the "rl_insert" function in
"text.c" breaks pasting and Alt codes with "chcp.com 65001". Can you work with


--- a/text.c
+++ b/text.c
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ static int _rl_char_search_callback 
PARAMS((_rl_callback_generic_arg *));
   rl_insert_text.  Text blocks larger than this are divided. */
#define TEXT_COUNT_MAX  1024

+int _rl_optimize_typeahead = 1;        /* rl_insert tries to read typeahead */
/* **************************************************************** */
/*                                                                  */
/*                      Insert and Delete                           */
@@ -890,8 +892,42 @@ int
rl_insert (count, c)
     int count, c;
-  return (rl_insert_mode == RL_IM_INSERT ? _rl_insert_char (count, c)
-                                        : _rl_overwrite_char (count, c));
+  int r, n, x;
+  r = (rl_insert_mode == RL_IM_INSERT) ? _rl_insert_char (count, c) : 
_rl_overwrite_char (count, c);
+  /* XXX -- attempt to batch-insert pending input that maps to self-insert */
+  x = 0;
+  n = (unsigned short)-2;
+  while (_rl_optimize_typeahead &&
+        _rl_pushed_input_available () == 0 &&
+        _rl_input_queued (0) &&
+        (n = rl_read_key ()) > 0 &&
+        _rl_keymap[(unsigned char)n].type == ISFUNC &&
+        _rl_keymap[(unsigned char)n].function == rl_insert)
+    {
+      r = (rl_insert_mode == RL_IM_INSERT) ? _rl_insert_char (1, n) : 
_rl_overwrite_char (1, n);
+      /* _rl_insert_char keeps its own set of pending characters to compose a
+        complete multibyte character, and only returns 1 if it sees a character
+        that's part of a multibyte character but too short to complete one.  We
+        can try to read another character in the hopes that we will get the
+        next one or just punt.  Right now we try to read another character.
+        We don't want to call rl_insert_next if _rl_insert_char has already
+        stored the character in the pending_bytes array because that will
+        result in doubled input. */
+      n = (unsigned short)-2;
+      x++;             /* count of bytes of typeahead read, currently unused */
+      if (r == 1)      /* read partial multibyte character */
+       continue;
+      if (rl_done || r != 0)
+       break;
+    }
+  if (n != (unsigned short)-2)         /* -2 = sentinel value for having 
inserted N */
+    r = rl_execute_next (n);
+  return r;

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