On Mar  7 14:05, Brian Inglis wrote:
> With current Cygwin 64 getent hosts returns exit code 2 
> for all names in /etc/hosts, addresses still work fine, 
> while getent ahosts returns the expected results for all 
> names in /etc/hosts.
> In previous releases getent hosts and getent ahosts both 
> returned equivalent results.
> Attached cygcheck -svr output [lightly redacted].
> I have other Unix like bins and Windows equivalents, 
> and a load of tools in my path following Cygwin 64, 
> plus its absolute patch so everything interoperates
> in Windows, so cygcheck is huge.
> I have straces of good and bad commands available. 

I can not repoduce this.  I have no entries in /etc/hosts and added a
few for testing.  In my case getent hosts/ahosts always returns 0 if
an entry in /etc/hosts is chosen.  There's also no good reason that
this would change.  Getent hasn't been updated for quite some time and
there's no change in that area in Cygwin.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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