On Feb 17 23:29, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> Am 17.02.2017 um 10:43 schrieb Corinna Vinschen:
> > On Feb 17 08:36, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> > > Am 16.02.2017 um 21:32 schrieb Thomas Wolff:
> > > > Am 16.02.2017 um 13:49 schrieb Corinna Vinschen:
> > > > > There's an ESC sequence to change the codeset?  Do you mean the
> > > > > alternate codeset sequence \e[10m / \e[11m
> > > > Oh, that one! Thanks for mentioning, I had overlooked it and fixed
> > > > mintty now to consider it.
> > > > > or is there something more sophisticated?
> > > > I actually meant to adress
> > > > https://github.com/mintty/mintty/wiki/CtrlSeqs#locale and there is
> > > > also \e%G and \e%@.
> > > > 
> > > > I just notice that later changing of the IUTF8 flag from the master
> > > > side does not seem to work on a Window 10 system (although it works
> > > > initially) while it does work on a Windows 7 system. Weird.
> > > Now tested on 2 Windows 7 systems and 2 Windows 10 systems. Does not
> > > work on Windows 10.
> > > Any idea?
> > Whatever you're observing, there's nothing Windows version-specific
> > here.  The tcsetattr function indiscriminately copies the incoming
> > termios structure over.  Maybe the bg_check function fails for some
> > reason?  Can you strace setting the flag via tcsetattr?
> Attached. There are lots of strace output even without interaction. I've
> tried to isolate the switching moment tightly.
> > There should be some output from tcsetattr as well as from 
> > fhandler_termios::bg_check.
> > 
> > Can you check?
> You mean the termios_printf trace? How would I activate it (without
> recompiling cygwin)?

Just use the -m option of strace.  Have a look into strace --help, it's
explained quite thoroughly.

>   861 40124163 [main] bash 7384 fhandler_pty_slave::tcsetattr: (900): pty 
> output_mutex (0x4AC): waiting -1 ms
>    54 40124217 [main] bash 7384 fhandler_pty_slave::tcsetattr: (900): pty 
> output_mutex: acquired
>    48 40124265 [main] bash 7384 fhandler_pty_slave::tcsetattr: (902): pty 
> output_mutex(0x4AC) released
>    54 40124319 [main] bash 7384 __set_errno: int tcsetattr(int, int, const 
> termios*):158 setting errno 0
>    58 40124377 [main] bash 7384 tcsetattr: iflag 0x850A, oflag 0x9, cflag 
> 0xBF, lflag 0xD1F, VMIN 1, VTIME 0
>    58 40124435 [main] bash 7384 tcsetattr: 0 = tcsetattr(0, 3, 0x6B1F1240)

Ok, so here you're setting iflags & ~IUTF8

>    34 40131547 [main] bash 7384 tcgetattr: iflag 0x850A, oflag 0x9, cflag 
> 0xBF, lflag 0xD1F, VMIN 1, VTIME 0

confirmed by bash

>    35 40131582 [main] bash 7384 fhandler_pty_slave::tcsetattr: (900): pty 
> output_mutex (0x4AC): waiting -1 ms
>    33 40131615 [main] bash 7384 fhandler_pty_slave::tcsetattr: (900): pty 
> output_mutex: acquired
>    34 40131649 [main] bash 7384 fhandler_pty_slave::tcsetattr: (902): pty 
> output_mutex(0x4AC) released
>    32 40131681 [main] bash 7384 __set_errno: int tcsetattr(int, int, const 
> termios*):158 setting errno 0
>    33 40131714 [main] bash 7384 tcsetattr: iflag 0x840A, oflag 0x9, cflag 
> 0xBF, lflag 0xD19, VMIN 1, VTIME 0
>    32 40131746 [main] bash 7384 tcsetattr: 0 = tcsetattr(0, 3, 0x6DC0D4)

And then bash sets iflags again, just to the same values as mintty had
set them before.

>   145 43721757 [main] mintty 9348 tcgetattr: iflag 0x840A, oflag 0x9, cflag 
> 0xBF, lflag 0xD19, VMIN 1, VTIME 0
>    33 43721790 [main] mintty 9348 __set_errno: int tcsetattr(int, int, const 
> termios*):158 setting errno 88
>    36 43721826 [main] mintty 9348 tcsetattr: iflag 0x2840A, oflag 0x9, cflag 
> 0xBF, lflag 0xD19, VMIN 1, VTIME 0
>    36 43721862 [main] mintty 9348 tcsetattr: 0 = tcsetattr(3, 2, 0x66C774)
>    36 43721898 [main] mintty 9348 tcgetattr: iflag 0x2840A, oflag 0x9, cflag 
> 0xBF, lflag 0xD19, VMIN 1, VTIME 0

And now mintty sets iflags | IUTF8.  Hmm.  Why does it do that here?
It's certainly too late for bash.

I can't see more, but setting and resetting the flag works as expected.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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