New version 1.0.3a-1 has been uploaded. CHANGES This is a upstream bgfix release. full list of changes
DESCRIPTION slrn ('S-Lang read news') is a newsreader, i.e. a program that accesses a newsserver to read messages from the Internet News service (also known as 'Usenet'). It runs in console mode. Beside the usual features of a newsreader slrn supports scoring rules to highlight, sort or kill articles based on information from their header. It is highly customizable, allows free key-bindings and can easily be extended using the sophisticated S-Lang macro language. Offline reading is possible by using either slrnpull (shipped with slrn) or a local newsserver (like leafnode or INN). HOMEPAGE Regards Marco Atzeri If you have questions or comments, please send them to the cygwin mailing list at: cygwin (at) cygwin (dot) com . -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: