On Thu, 12/8/16, Achim Gratz wrote: Subject: Re: Setup not asking for proxy user,password / was Resend: pdfseparate does nothing for me? To: cygwin@cygwin.com Date: Thursday, December 8, 2016, 2:22 PM Ian Lambert writes: > The proxy gives the 407 error, based on some testing > with wget -d. Even without providing user/password, it works > around half the time, for wget. Below are some debug output from setup, > and debug output from wget testing, which shows the 407 error. It took some time to get to it, but I've tested setup.exe using an NTLM authenticating proxy @work today and it does exactly what it is supposed to do (pop up a dialog box asking for the user name and password, then authenticate to the proxy and use it for the rest of the session). So your problem still seems to be some misconfiguration on the proxy side that causes communication with setup.exe to fail. = = =
You can call it "misconfiguration." I can call it "different" configuration than setup assumes. The point remains: other programs, like wget, consistently work OK, without popups, when given proxy username and password in either .bashrc or .wgetrc, and I am sure they were not customized for this proxy. Maybe a comparison of how wget handles authentication versus how setup handles it could help? > Defaulting to empty mirror list > site: ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/ Err… could it be that your proxy isn't actually of functioning as an FTP proxy? How about using a HTTP mirror instead? = = = No. Wget works OK with either type. HTTP mirror has been tried with setup, and also does not work. From previous post, setup fails to retrieve mirrors.lst, with an HTTP, before failing to retrieve setup.ini. Again, wget can retrieve these consistently OK when given username and password. net: Proxy Cached mirror list unavailable get_url_to_membuf http://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst getUrlToStream http://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst getUrlToStream failed! get_url_to_membuf failed!