For quite a while, I've noticed an accumulation of .serverauth.####
files on entering a Cygwin environment.  Since it's been only a minor
annoyance, I've dealt with it by running a small script to delete all
but the latest instance.  Finally, though, I thought I should solve
the root problem of why these files were being left over, and started
to investigate.

For some reason, I had always assumed they had something to do with
running Emacs in server mode, but apparently, they have nothing to do
with Emacs, but are a result of not shutting down an X session
"cleanly".  I suppose that's true enough - I don't start X
automatically, and when shutting down, never think to make an explicit
shutdown of X.

It seems like there should be a way of informing X to clean up on
exit, but I'm not sure how.  I'm starting X from a shortcut that runs


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