I have a problem with blocking requests to the httpd-service since some
And the most surprising thing: As long as the httpd-service is blocked,
I can't open a cygwin terminal. Start of the terminal is also blocked.
As soon as I stop the httpd-service, the terminal appears.
I did a fresh installation of cygwin and deleted all NT-users created by
cygwin before, but the problem is still there.
These are the services I have running:
Service : cygserver
Display name : CYGWIN cygserver
Current State : Running
Controls Accepted : Stop
Command : /usr/sbin/cygserver
stdin path : /dev/null
stdout path : /var/log/cygserver.log
stderr path : /var/log/cygserver.log
Process Type : Own Process
Startup : Automatic
Account : LocalSystem
Service : httpd
Display name : CYGWIN Apache HTTP Server
Current State : Stopped
Command : /usr/sbin/httpd.exe -DNO_DETACH -k start
stdin path : /dev/null
stdout path : /var/log/httpd.log
stderr path : /var/log/httpd.log
Environment : CYGWIN=""
Process Type : Own Process
Startup : Automatic
Account : LocalSystem
Service : sshd
Display name : CYGWIN sshd
Current State : Running
Controls Accepted : Stop
Command : /usr/sbin/sshd -D
stdin path : /dev/null
stdout path : /var/log/sshd.log
stderr path : /var/log/sshd.log
Environment : CYGWIN="binmod ntsec"
Process Type : Own Process
Startup : Automatic
Dependencies : tcpip
Account : .\cyg_server
I seems only to happen when having PHP and jquery in the HTML-file. Pure
HTML-files seems to work.
The first call of the HTML-file always works. But at the latest the
tenth call of the page leads to the block. The httpd-service simply
never comes back. The jquery function "$( document ).ready" never gets
executed, so I think the page is never loaded by the httpd-service.
Any hint?
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