>> Cygwin installation on XP >> 1. Use the following version of setup*.exe: >> 32-bit: ftp://www.fruitbat.org/pub/cygwin/setup/snapshots/setup-x86-2.874.exe
>> 2. Run setup*.exe with the -X option, using the following mirror: >> 32-bit: ftp://www.fruitbat.org/pub/cygwin/circa/2016/08/30/104223 Thank you for this really helpful distillation. I followed the instructions exactly, with the minor and probably unnecessary preparation of using regedit to remove from the registry all mentions of Cygnus / Cygwin (because I have occasionally found that previous installations - or, rather, usages - of Cygwin interfere with the groundwork for new usages). And everything worked - in principle, but not in practice. After initiating setup I selected "Download without Installing", clicked on the roundel to select "All" instead of "Default" in order to achieve a Full download rather than the Base download, and away we went. BUT (a) the download appeared to be very slow, which I attributed to properties of fruitbat.org or even the download site ftp://.../104223 which I guess is in some sense virtual (?); however (b) when I checked things this morning having set the thing going last night, I found that in 6 hours only 2048-cli/, 2048-qt/ and the beginnings of 4ti2/ had been downloaded, i.e. the merest starting fragment of what was anticipated. So: the logic seems just fine, the implementation flawed in some way, or on this occasion. Q1 Any ideas of what might be de-railing this simple operation? Q2 [... virtual(?);] Could one instead use wget on ftp://www.fruitbat.org/pub/cygwin/circa/2016/08/30/104223? This would be easy to initiate, it would avoid the layer of complication induced by setup (and anyway I only want a download, not a setup) and finally - really usefully, since the intention is to build a local mirror and then maybe do something useful with it - it would pull down the *src files, which are a pain in setup, requiring individual ticking of many many checkboxes. But: I tried wget, and just came to a halt with no files found. Thank you. Fergus -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple