
I'm trying to compile rtorrent-0.9.4-1 with cygport to add support for XMLRPC.

I've added:
in the cygport file.

When I try to compile, I get the following error:

In function ‘std::wstring display::wstring_width(const string&, int)’:
error: ‘wcswidth’ was not declared in this scope
   int swidth = wcswidth(result, width);
error: ‘::wcwidth’ has not been declared
       int next = ::wcwidth(result[length]);
After some investigation it seems to be related to _XOPEN_SOURCE
flag, but when I add that I get other errors.

I've tried compiling with the CYGCONF_ARGS commented out and the
behavior is the same.

Am I missing something ? How can I find out which compile flags were
used at the package build time ?

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