Hans-Bernhard Bröker wrote:

If you do set up such an explorer menu entry, it'll do whatever you tell it to.
        There is already such an addon for vim -- and it launches
it from the system-standard location.

        Putting a copy in /usr/local won't be called.  If you want to
replace the main copy and all it's purposes/uses, you need to overwrite
the system copy.
It'll only end up "of course not" working if you "of course" configure things differently than you actually wanted to. But why would anyone do that?
Why would you install a system copy of vim anywhere other than in the system location? To install it in /usr/local would prevent it from working normally -- why would anyone do that?

Did it occur to you that the system really has to support much
more varied use cases than your own particular corner case?
        Not on my system.

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