On Sun, Oct 02, 2016 at 04:35:21PM -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:
> Wayne Porter wrote:
> > The server that the W: drive is mapped on is not using domain accounts. As 
> > far as I know,
> > all Linux servers we have are running local accounts. Is there something I 
> > can set in
> > my local /etc/passwd to convince Cygwin to map it to my user account?
> ---
>       Let me phrase this differently.
>       The linux accounts that are not in your domain and are under
> private user-names, are NOT something that you have "write" permission to.
> It sounds like those users (users outside your domain -- and not within
> your administrative group) have allowed "anyone" to have read access, but
> it makes sense that they wouldn't trust "anonymous" (that's you, if you
> haven't authenticated against their machine).  You seem to be asking
> for access to files owned by people outside your group (or maybe outside
> your company, for that matter, it's not known).

This is correct, the linux machines have local accounts that I have
mapped to drive letters in Windows. They are my accounts set up with my
username and password and I have full read/write access to the folders
in question. Cygwin just thinks I have read-only access and when I
attempt to write to the files, I can.

>       The Domain is a means to provide common trusted access to a group
> of people who have agreed to honor each others' permission settings.  Right
> now, the linux people are not in a common-trust group, so you can't force
> your wanted access upon them.
>       Until you and their machines share a common security token (the Domain
> token), you can't have shared permission settings.
>       Alternatively , you might be able to convince the linux people to
> give you an account on each linux machine, and use that login when attaching
> to a share on that linux machine -- but that would be a pain.  Certainly,
> if they agreed to use a common domain and shared things with other domain
> users, that would be easier, but until they agree to be in a common domain,
> you can't force your desired access upon them.

This is how it is currently set up. I can log in to the server via ssh
or use the current method, which is to map the network share using my
account credentials that they have set up for me. This works just fine
in Windows and for the most part in Cygwin. I can read/write from the
files but vim opens all files in read-only mode and I have to save using

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