Hi Yaakov,

Could you tell me where I can find the patches applied to boost and
the commands that you use? I would like to compile boost 1.61.0 with
g++-6.[12].0 that I have just compiled. But I get errors when I build
boost and do not known how to fix them.



2016-07-28 9:55 GMT+02:00 Yaakov Selkowitz <yselkow...@cygwin.com>:
> The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:
> * libboost-devel-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_python-devel-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_python3-devel-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_atomic1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_chrono1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_context1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_container1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_coroutine1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_date_time1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_filesystem1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_graph1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_iostreams1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_locale1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_log1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_math1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_program_options1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_random1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_regex1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_serialization1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_signals1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_system1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_thread1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_timer1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_type_erasure1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_wave1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_python1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_python3_1.60-1.60.0-1
> * libboost_test1.60-1.60.0-1
> * mingw64-i686-boost-1.60.0-1
> * mingw64-x86_64-boost-1.60.0-1
> Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. We
> emphasize libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library. Boost
> libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad
> spectrum of applications.
> This release includes the latest patchset from Fedora, and also enables the
> long double functionality in Boost.Math.
> --
> Yaakov
> --
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Frédéric Bron

Frédéric Bron (frederic.b...@m4x.org)
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38506 Voiron Cedex
tél. fixe : +33 4 76 67 17 27, tél. port.: +33 6 67 02 77 35

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