On 31.8.2016 12:16, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
I found a workaround: The Windows call for changing the password used
by the passwd tool is
ret = NetUserChangePassowrd (server, username, old_pwd, new_pwd);
The server is usually the logon server, prepended by double backslash,
as in the variable $LOGONSERVER, and this is how passwd uses the function.
However, while this still works fine on W7 and 2008R2, it fails on the
newer systems with error 1265, ERROR_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED.
The workaround puzzles me slightly, but it seems to do the trick:
If I use the domain name (as in $USERDOMAIN) instead of the server
name when calling this function, it works as expected, also on W7
or 2008R2.
Thank You for very useful information.
I tried Your workaround and it works perfectly for me:
test@server ~
$ LOGONSERVER=server passwd
Old password:
New password:
Re-enter new password:
Password changed.
test@server ~
(Old value in $LOGONSERVER was \\server)
My server is standalone Windows Server 2008R2 Enterprise, so Microsoft's
error message is not quite correct.
(On Yours 2008R2 problem didn't occur - interesting.)
Thank You.
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