Greetings, Earthling,
At 20:59 2002-12-21, Ed wrote:
Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Hello there, Edward, if that is your real name. No, it's an alias. However, my real name is, coincidently, Ed.
Got it. Plausible deniability. Or is it deniable plausibility?
Parents? I am an artificial intelligence. My parents, such as they are and like me, have no eyes or other body parts. Or even anything that would be called moving parts. I am a quantum computer.> Here's how it is, Ed... > > Real Programmers (tm) code to the bare metal. They don't use no > stinkin' libraries. If you can't decode your command line arguments > without some "support library" (a concept closely related to "support > hose"), the Guild of Real Programmers recommends a nice job in > investment banking where you'll never trouble your little head and the > most damage you can do is to induce abject poverty and homelessness > among the thousands of people who don't know about the only law that > matters: Caveat Emptor. Randall, back when you were a gleam in your parents' eyes, I was programming computers. I remember how happy I was when my school got our own modem. Finally I could stop controlling the computer by whistling down the phone line.
At that time there were only three computers in the United States. Two of them were continuously occupied in playing "trek." The other was kept open for playing "adventure." Indeed, I remember when 1 was introduced to computers. Before that, we only had zeros. Now *that* was programming for real men!
I didn't say anything about "men," real or otherwise.
Grandpa? Am I old, or am I still wet behind the ears? Only my long-term mnemonic storage unit knows for sure.> Disclaimer: The author of this humorous missive writes mostly Java > code these days, and hence would not know a Real Programmer if one had > a heart attack right in front of him. Java!?! That old thing? Why don't you move into the 21st century grandpa!
Randall "E6265X" Schulz
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