Greetings, Christian Franke!

> Traditionally setup.exe creates the /cygwin.bat file as follows if 
> C:\cygwin is the install directory:
> -----
> @echo off
> C:
> chdir C:\cygwin\bin

> bash --login -i
> -----

> The following should work since WinXP regardless of install directory:
> -----
> @echo off

> cd /d %~dp0
> if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
> cd bin
> if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1

> bash --login -i
> -----

Why so complicated?

@START "" /B "%~dp0bin\mintty.exe" -


> I would suggest to add something like the above as 
> "/etc/defaults/cygwin.bat" to base-files package. The postinstall script 
> should copy it to "/cygwin.bat" if new. The creation of this file could 
> later be removed from setup.exe.

> This more generic cygwin.bat is in particular useful for 'portable' 
> installations of Cygwin on an USB device. I occasionally use such a 
> installation to make rescue tools (dd, ddrescue, fdisk, hexedit, 
> sleuthkit, ...) available to the minimal system provided by a Windows 
> system repair CD.

Your variant is overengineered.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Friday, August 26, 2016 19:37:08

Sorry for my terrible english...

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