On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Erik Soderquist wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 4:11 AM, Herbert Stocker wrote:
>>> code required to handle .exe and .lnk extensions you don't *want*
>>> PATHEXT support anymore.
>> Moreso, this code has recently broken my C++ code in Cygwin.
>> It tried to see if a directory  /dir/subdir/something  existed,
>> and Cygwin said yes because it found a /dir/subdir/something.exe .
>> So my program failed.
> Were you testing for the existence of a *directory* (
> /dir/subdir/something/. ) or for anything named *something* in
> /dir/subdir/ ?
> And what call were you using?  It was my understanding that the foo ==
> foo.exe == foo.lnk == foo.exe.lnk was only applied when attempting to
> execute something...  (is my understanding wrong?)

I'm wrong, the following test case demontrates that clearly.

$ rm -f /tmp/foo*

$ if [ -e /tmp/foo ] ; then echo yes ; else echo no ; fi

$ touch /tmp/foo.exe

$ if [ -e /tmp/foo ] ; then echo yes ; else echo no ; fi


-- Erik

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