Has anyone else encountered this issue running Emacs lately and found

For me, Emacs will not start an editing session.  After typing “emacs”
at the command prompt, there is a brief pause while I remain at the
bash shell, and Instead I remain in the bash shell, and after you see
a pause after typing “emacs” at the command prompt, and then you see a
new command prompt.


   $ cygcheck.exe -s -v -r > cygcheck.out

   $ emacs -version

   GNU Emacs 24.5.1


   $ emacs

   [brief pause – terminal remains at bash prompt – as if executing a
no-output process]



I attached a slightly redacted cygcheck.out.

Observation: This behavior repeats itself no matter which of the
available emacs versions  I have installed.  (24.5-1, 24.5-2, 24.5-3).

Observation: Emacs reports version 24.5.1 from the command line no
matter which version was installed.  For example, if I install 24.5-2,
$emacs -version reports 24.5.1.  The Cygwin installer subsequently
reports 24.5-2.

Observation: The problem started occurring when I upgraded an existing
installation (I do not recall which) to 2.874 / 2.5.2.  (I realize
that this has likely more to with app
lication packaging.)

What did I do to try and resolve?

I have tried several things.
1 – uninstall CYGWIN completely using the guide in the FAQ.

2 – reinstall CYGWIN after a reboot.

3 – change mirrors.

4. Uninstall emacs.

5. Reinstall emacs after a reboot.

6. Read the emacs cygwin README in /usr/share/doc/emacs

7. Google till my fingers bled.

8. Search Cygwin mailing list archives (for multiple lists). Did not
find a similar problem.  (I did see a someone having issues when
tyring to create a windows shortcut..... )

9. Search the sider internet for similar problems and solutions. Again, no luck.

10. Curse like a sailor.

Anybody else have this problem and resolved?

Thanks a ton,

Attachment: cygcheck.out.redacted
Description: Binary data

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