On 08/07/2016 16:13, Krzysztof Bociurko wrote:
I'm using midnight commander with Cygwin 64 bit on Windows 10 64 bit.

After moving to a new machine and a clean reinstall of windows and
cygwin, my midnight commander started to get very laggy - starting mc,
any change of directory or exiting from finding files (to refresh list
of files in the two panes) takes long seconds. Restarting doesn't

I have also posted this issue to Super User, but after some discussion
with user Matzeri, he suggested for me to go on this list with this
problem. SU link:

As mentioned on https://cygwin.com/problems.html

"Run cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out and include that file as an attachment in your report. Please do not compress or otherwise encode the output. Just attach it as a straight text file so that it can be easily viewed. "

please attach a copy of cygcheck.out


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