Greetings, Henry S. Thompson!

> Andrey Repin writes:
>> Greetings, Henry S. Thompson!
>>> Good news: My cygwin file tree survived a Windows (10) reinstall
>>> Not-so-good news: I have a new SID, so not only do I not own those files
>>> any more (that's easily fixed), but I don't have the permissions I
>>> should, because they are now held by some miscellaneous old SID.
>> So, what? Go to top directory properties, Advanced, Owner tab, Change, and
>> change the owner to what is desired.

> Much to glib an answer.  Changing the owner is the _last_ thing you want
> to do after (programmatically) changing a bunch of ACLs.

Much like in POSIX, ACL and ownership are not directly dependent one on
another in Windows.
I don't understand your statement.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Monday, July 4, 2016 06:25:58

Sorry for my terrible english...

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