Hi A new version of 'gnuplot' has been uploaded to a server near you.
o Update to latest upstream release. o Build for cygwin 2.5.2 with gcc-5.4.0 o TeX/LateX related files excluded, they are already in the texlive distribution gnuplot NEWS: ============= Changes in 5.0.3 ================ * NEW open-ended iteration over data: plot for [i=1:*] datafile index i * CHANGE aquaterm support for version 5 custom dashtypes * CHANGE backport new image bookkeeping from 5.1 to fix bugs #1607 #1703 #1709 * CHANGE qt terminal: toggle plots on/off only on left-click * CHANGE wholesale upgrade of old tkcanvas terminal (version 3.7 -> version 5.0) * FIX reevaluate fill color for each polygon in data for "with filledcurves" * FIX multiple wxt terminal font problems Changes in 5.0.2 ================ * NEW support "set clip {one|two}" in 3D vector plots (splot ... with vectors) * CHANGE post.trm treats lt -1 as double width only when drawing the plot border * CHANGE distinguish between empty string variable and string constant "" * CHANGE preserve full precision of samples generated by '+' or '++' * CHANGE dumb terminal now handles UTF-8 characters * CHANGE "plot for [i=1:n] foo=i, x*foo" generates n plots (comma is ignored) * CHANGE accept '\r' as a terminator after console prompt (Windows only) * CHANGE use the same arrowhead style in the key sample as in the plot itself * CHANGE the command "set tics {front|back}" no longer affects grid lines also * CHANGE allow "noautoscale" keyword for 2D function plots * CHANGE "unset mono" clears current terminal setting as well as future behavior * FIX dashtype labels in 'test' command were off by one * FIX autocalculation of box widths in the presence of NaN data values * FIX qt terminals dots were invisible * FIX point and impulse colors in 3D binary plots * FIX enable dashtype processing for epslatex terminal * FIX clean handling of unexpected input commands or data found by fuzz-testing * FIX many places where corrupt input commands or data could trigger a crash * FIX aquaterm fill area with transparency * FIX "offset 0" means "no offset" even in the case of log-scaled axes * FIX handle formatted read from a datablock * FIX "pause mouse" for wxt terminal (OSX, other single-threaded platforms) * FIX 2-column data plots "with filledcurve y=<value>" * FIX handling outliers in boxplot with categories (i.e. level in column 4) * FIX inline input format in `splot` command * FIX order-dependence of optional keywords for "set key" and "set obj polygon" * FIX lua/tikz text placement errors on OSX 10.10.2 with lua5.3 * FIX B and L formats in gprintf() * FIX bug parsing time input with format "%s" (extra fractional second) * FIX incorrect average value in final bin of "smooth cnorm" calculation * FIX handle log-scale y values when calculating monotonic cubic spline fit * FIX "set clip points" was non-functional in version 5.0 * FIX regression in 5.0.1 that left extraneous '@' in title columnhead(N) * FIX vertical placement of text fragments by cairo terminals * FIX "set [*]axis rangelimited" applies to minor as well as major tics * FIX qt terminal could drop chars from stdin depending on external event timing * FIX overlong custom dash pattern could generate a corrupt postscript file Changes in 5.0.1 ================ * NEW "set mono" (full command "set monochrome {linetype lt <line-properties>}) * NEW "set fit nolog" suppresses output to log file * NEW sixel terminal supports RGB and palette colors, but only 16 at a time :-( * NEW command "printerr" acts exactly like "print" but always outputs via stderr * CHANGE autoconfigure of Qt5 support now looks for --variable=host_bins * CHANGE reevaluate fill color for each polygon in data for "with filledcurves" * CHANGE gstrptime(): always check validity of %y %Y %d %B %b input fields * CHANGE track text properties for key title separately from key entries * CHANGE "smooth kdensity" now handles logscale y and explicit x range * CHANGE order of margins in the "set margin" command to left, right, bottom, top * CHANGE guarantee color of key sample for "lc variable" plots matches 1st point * CHANGE "set term fig color" can use predefined linetype colors and named colors * CHANGE skip all preprocessing for input lines beginning with shell escape char * CHANGE build system to suppress dvi as an automake-generated target * CHANGE in hidden3d mode, the 'nosurface' suppresses both surface grid directions * FIX replace palette color value NaN with background color * FIX improved handling of boxplot data with multiple factors (categories) * FIX save_textcolor was not handling "tc variable" * FIX apply numeric locale when reading ascii matrix data * FIX handling of ascii matrix data * FIX reinitialize brush used to draw dotted lines in gd terminal * FIX failure to clear bold/italic text attributes in cairo terminals * FIX tabular output of time data when the axis format has not been set * FIX breakage in plot style filledcurves {above|below} y1=<yval> * FIX dashtypes after "set term {e}pslatex mono" * FIX report and enforce maximum number of parallel axes without faulting * FIX smooth mcsplines for a curve containing multiple y values at a single x * FIX several bugs evident for log-scaled color axis * FIX regression in color support for pbm/sixel/hpgl terminals (no RGB color) * FIX accummulated round-off error in dotted lines drawn by libgd terminals * FIX incorrect colorbox axis labels in polar plots * FIX AquaTerm framework name is case-sensitive * FIX strip enhanced text markup from plot titles embedded in svg output * FIX error in retrieving matrix column headers as strings * FIX error in calculating absolute deviation (stats command) * FIX allocation error from "set fit covariancevariables" * FIX tkcanvas terminal handling of blank (default) font family name * FIX off-by-one-error in color of contours when hidden3d is active * FIX adjust WIN32 encoding used by text output from "pause" command * FIX qt terminal 3D rotation mode tendency to get stuck "on" * FIX dash pattern rendering in contour lines * FIX 'fit [][min:max] f(x)' was incorrectly ignoring min:max ******************************************************************* To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on the http://cygwin.com/ web page. 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