Henry S. Thompson <ht <at> inf.ed.ac.uk> writes:
> > You'll have to find out why rebase gets into your Windows system directory.
> >  Check which files in /var/cache/rebase have these
> > [...]
> >   /c/WINDOWS/system32/imgutil.dll
> >   /c/WINDOWS/system32/msshooks.dll
> > [...]
> None of them do .

That is only possible then if you've tried some manual rebase and have these
DLL still recorded in /etc/rebase.db.* -- in which case you should be able
to recover by doing a full rebase (which removes the existing rebase
database as the first step).

> To be careful and clear, the _first_ time the problem happened (i.e.,
> Windows became unusable after a reboot), was after a normal run of
> setup-x86_64 which updated Cygwin to 2.5.2.

Again, given what you say about the content of /var/cache/rebase this is
only possible if you've previously added those DLL to the rebase database.


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