On 09/06/2016 23:01, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
On 6/6/2016 9:27 AM, Jon Turney wrote:

That sounds exactly like what I see with llvm svn r251761 [1] backported
to 3.7.1 (without which we use the x86_64 loader on x86, rather than
reporting an error, due to an interesting use of __builtin_undefined,
with hilarious consequences)

I guess the output of the JIT code is ending up the wrong place as well,
or something...

For the record, Jon seems to have tracked this down, and his fix is in
llvm-3.7.1-2.  I can only imagine what "fun" he had debugging this,
particularly on the address-starved 32-bit platform.

There's a few more details in the llvm bug I raised [1].

This is now fixed in llvm master, but will need patching in llvm 3.8, if that is packaged.

[1] https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=28111

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