On 09/06/2016 17:08, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:
Dear Cygwin,
A little supposition here, but it appears that the recent posting
from Viverra Inc. contained a malicious attachment, as detected by
my company's e-mail malware detection as it intercepted the recent
digest. I need now to appeal to them to allow me to continue
receiving e-mail from you. Cygwin has provided me invaluable tools
to do my software development work, so I hope this matter is
resolved promptly with my company. Meanwhile I ask that you review
your spam detection to minimize impact on me and others in my
--Ken Nellis

In general, I suggest you to not use the company's e-mail
for mailing lists.

The spam detection is never 100% accurate, something
will always pass through and something will be falsely detected.

My company's spammer filter sometimes report internal
automatic mails as spam and don't catch real spam.


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