> On 6/8/2016 9:57 AM, Cufi, Carles wrote:
> Hi there,
> On 6/8/2016 5:35 AM, Cufi, Carles wrote:
> Hi,
> When running git 2.8.3 with certain of its commands (submodule for
> example) I get spurious output on the terminal:
> cacu ~/src/nordic/gh/pc-ble-driver-py (master) $ git submodule deinit .
> ': not a valid identifiertext.sh: line 88: export: `displaypath Cleared
> directory ''
> ': not a valid identifiertext.sh: line 88: export: `name
> ': not a valid identifiertext.sh: line 88: export: `url
> ': not a valid identifiertext.sh: line 88: export: `displaypath
> Submodule '' () unregistered for path ''
> The variables referenced above (displaypath, name, url) seem to be part
> of the git-submodule script in /usr/libexec/git-core.
> It looks like output lines are being overwritten, which suggests that
> you have DOS line endings somewhere (maybe in git-submodule?). For
> example, there seems to be a reference to line 88 of gettext.sh,
> partially overwritten by something else. (Notice that git-submodule
> calls eval_gettext many times; the latter is defined in
> /usr/bin/gettext.sh.)
> That's one of the first thing I tried, I ran:
> $ dos2unix /usr/libexec/git-core/git-submodule
> But the spurious output is still there.
> There doesn't seem to be a /usr/bin/gettext.sh in my Cygwin
> installation.
> I see that you have some msys stuff in your path. Do you have gettext.sh
> there? ('which gettext.sh' should find it.)

Yep, that's it!

$ which gettext.sh

So what's the better way of fixing this? Making /mingw/bin/gettext.sh have UNIX 
line endings or replacing it with the proper Cygwin gettext.sh that I seem to 
be missing?



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