On Jun  7 21:21, John Hood wrote:
> It has taken way too long to get a usable Win7 VM set up, but I can
> confirm that the snapshot works well on Win7 with my test
> programs and fixes the issues noted in Corinna's commits, and is
> somewhat faster than 2.5.1.  The snapshot's issues with Win7 were also
> worse than others have reported, I saw select() locking up and not
> responding to either timeout or events.  Definitely something that
> should not have reached a release.

Thanks for testing!

> I'll apologize for the bugs, they're clearly regressions from what I had
> done.  I think I introduced bugs when I reworked the commits to
> eliminate changes to cygwait.h, and didn't test sufficiently (I'd
> migrated both my Win7 machines to Win10).

No worries, shit happens :)


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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