> On 2016-05-30 10:25, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> The problem is, there's no change at all in the snapshot which would
> explain a slowdown of such basic functions:
> - Assorted select(2) improvements:
>  commits a23e6a35d896a075640db714b28ce74bb6b8d7ff
>          e5665d8c930485d5ac6d8913573e27b9e5043d92

Thank you for your answer. However, i do insist.
I use again the file created with "seq 10000 > 10k" and still
look-up the string "9999" inside it. 

I perform:
strace -o vi.out /usr/bin/vim 10k 
and inside vi: 

Without snapshot, vi.out contains 15133 lines
With snapshot, vi.out contains 426553 lines. Huh?

Without snapshot, the 6 lines:
select: sel.always_ready 0
select: sel.wait returns 0
select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
select: recalculating ms
select: ms now 0
occur about 450 times

With snapshot, the 6 lines:
select: sel.always_ready 0
select: sel.wait returns 0
select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
select_stuff::destroy: deleting select records
select: recalculating us
select: us now 0
occur more than 69000 times

Something is probably wrong near here. Please tell me what i should experiment 

Al least i have found a wrong line in select.cc: line 4, the copyright year is 
missing. ;-)


Denis Excoffier.

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