On 2016-05-29, Ken Brown wrote:

> You can avoid the console window by using Cygwin's run.exe.  See the shortcut
> for the X server for an example of this.  (You do get a brief console window,
> but it immediately disappears.)

Thanks, that helped.

I tested with "Win+R run emacs-w32 ENTER" but better to have wrapper to
simplify typing.

run(1) man page explains some details:

       run - start programs with hidden console window


       Windows programs are either GUI programs or console programs. When
       started console programs will either attach to an existing console or
       create a new one. GUI programs can never attach to an exiting console.
       There is no way to attach to an existing console but hide it if started
       as GUI program.

       run will do this for you. It works as intermediate and starts a program
       but makes the console window hidden.


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