Thanks, Ken for the following info: > This looks like a bug I reported several years ago; it actually has > nothing to do with emacs: > > > > It was fixed but then reappeared some months later: > > > > It was fixed again but apparently is back. The test case from the > original report still exhibits the problem.
I had a look at the elisp-function gdb-send. The command process-send-string is used there for sending commands to gdb. Is it right that the problem manifests itself already there? The doc of process-send-string says that this command may send the string contents as separate bunches of data. If the output is already incomplete because of the partitioned input through process-send-string I see no way for a cygwin-specific workaround and we must wait for a fix of gdb. Do you know where I should report the bug? Best regards, Tobias -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: