On 25 May 2016 at 02:39, Andrey Repin <anrdae...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> Greetings, lloyd.w...@yahoo.co.uk!
>>> It seems still the same problem with dri-drivers
>>> https://sourceware.org/ml/cygwin/2016-04/msg00283.html
>>> probably caused by LLVM 3.7
>> Unfortunately, the dri-driver versions available in the installer
>> depend on LLVM 3.7, so, even though reverting back to LLVM 3.5
>> is offered when you select llvm, you can't pull in a dri-driver
>> that works with that older version of LLVM to test that hypothesis.
>> So, not much point to offering that older version of LLVM.
>> Regardless of the fact that OpenGL is broken (again), this is
>> really a problem with Cygwin as a perennial work-in-progress
>> and its (lack of) version control.
>> I'd like to be able to download a stable-known-to-work-on
>> a-specified date golden-master Cygwin, without incremental
>> upgrades, and revert to that known-to-work Cygwin if needs
>> be. Once every six months? I'd be good with that.
> RedHat offers paid support for Cygwin, you know.

I don't know if that is true anymore. What Lloyd is asking for may
also be a larger project than what was also offered before. The
question is whether there are enough people who would be interested in
this sort of product for it to be useful.

> P.S.
> And it would be really wonderful, if you teach your mail client to not break
> threading.
> --
> With best regards,
> Andrey Repin
> Wednesday, May 25, 2016 09:38:43
> Sorry for my terrible english...
> --
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Stephen J Smoogen.

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