On 21. 4. 2016 18:01, John Cowan wrote:
> David Macek scripsit:
>> You're assuming LSW will become pre-installed on these workstations and
>> UoW will become a Windows Store "app". I'm not saying it can't happen,
>> but it seems unlikely at the moment.
> Why unlikely?  That is exactly what is the case, if you are running
> the current alpha build of Windows 10.  

Build #14316? You have to switch to developer mode, then install the subsystem 
which is a "Windows feature". Both require administrator privileges IIRC. Then 
you can run `bash` or `lxrun /install` to download the Ubuntu tarball, 
allegedly from the Store.

Until I can go to the Store app on a clean Windows install, write "Ubuntu" and 
click on Install, I won't consider UoW as "available through the Windows Store" 
as Warren Young wrote.

David Macek

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