On Apr 18 23:38, Aaron Digulla wrote:
> On 17.03.2016 21:04, Björn Stabel wrote:
> > I couldn't replicate it either, but the question I started this thread
> > with is unrelated to either of the ping tools.
> > Here it is again:
> >
> > The ctrl-c shortcut doesn't reliably kill applications (anymore?).
> > It has been that way for at least a year now.
> I can confirm that. It's worse with native applications. In my case, I
> have scripts which invoke Maven (a Java application).
> Ctrl+C kills the script but the signal isn't forwarded to the Windows
> process, so the Java process is stuck in the background.
> To make matters worse, it tries to write to stdout which isn't properly
> connected anymore. This can lead to Windows starting to trash the
> harddrive until you have to turn off the computer.
> Might be related to Ctrl+S/Ctrl+W handling as well (Unix kind of Scroll
> Lock) which is also broken for native programs (you can freeze them but
> Ctrl+W has no effect anymore until Windows freezes).

Shouldn't that be Ctrl-Q?


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