On 2016-04-12 09:41, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Apr 12 14:58, Marco Atzeri wrote:
On 12/04/2016 14:50, Andrew Schulman wrote: By now I guess most of us
have seen the reports of bash, and in fact a full Linux userland,
running natively in Windows 10:
>>http://www.hanselman.com/blog/DevelopersCanRunBashShellAndUsermodeUbuntuLinuxBinariesOnWindows10.aspx [2]
http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/03/ubuntu-on-windows.html [3]
It's in beta release and doesn't seem to have been widely tested yet.
Apparently Microsoft has developed an API translation layer, simliar
to the Cygwin DLL, to make this work. But unlike with Cygwin, Linux
apps don't have to be rebuilt - they can run natively as-is in
Windows 10. So you can get, allegedly, the full Linux userland
out-of-the-box. The first link cited above suggests that if this is
all it claims to be, it would remove the need for Cygwin. I can see
the point. Has anyone had a chance to try this new feature? Does it
work as well as is claimed? I realize this may be strictly off-topic
here, but it seems to me to be potentially so important to the future
of Cygwin that it's worth discussing here insted of on cygwin-talk.
Andrew Before W10 became the standard it will take some time.
Considering the previous history of Microsoft with Windows Services
for UNIX (SFU) , my feeling is
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeo_Danaos_et_dona_ferentes [4] If
they really would like to port Unix on MS, it will be enough to
provide Corinna with a simple way to implement fork....
Huh, right. If only...
I don't think I'll count on Microsoft to maintain a usable Bash shell
without twerping it in some fashion so it becomes incompatible (like
they tried with numerous other products they "adopted"). The comment on
Greeks and gifts is right on target.
While Bash in Windows would be great, I just don't think Microsoft can
be trusted. I'll keep Cygwin available even after I'm forced to give up
my perfectly good Win XP OS and adopt the truly horrible Win 10 OS and
its attendant interface fiasco (yes I do miss Win 3.11 for workgroups).
In the mean time, this was funny (in case you need your mood lightened)
and very slightly on the bash topic (near the end). Hitler uses Docker:
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