On 4/11/2016 11:49 AM, Kenneth Lobb wrote:
Getting setup-x86_64.exe postinstall script errors, starting with

Script just hangs.

Is this the only postinstall script that gives you problems? What happens if you rename it to ca-certificates.sh.done so that setup won't keep trying to run it. Do the remaining scripts run OK? If not, please take a look at /var/log/setup.log.full to see if you can tell why they're failing.

Tried running ca-certificates.sh  manually, and the script just hangs.

If I run individual commands, they complete normally whereas in the
script they hang (don’t return control to the calling script).

Very strange.

Please follow the problem-reporting guidelines at http://cygwin.com/problems.html, including the part about attaching cygcheck output:

"Run cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out and include that file *as an attachment* in your report. Please do not compress or otherwise encode the output. Just attach it as a straight text file so that it can be easily viewed."


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