On 04/08/2016 12:52 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Thomas Wolff writes:
>> Like for grep which now barfs out when a character isn’t recognized in
>> the current encoding (and grep doesn’t even provide an environment
>> variable to override this mis-feature), these assumedly-modern
>> upstream changes are a nuisance.
> You are barking up the wrng tree, please take that upstream.
>> For ls at least, it can be fixed with the environment variable
>> QUOTING_STYLE but that isn’t even mentioned in the manual page!%§↯
>> – Poor old Unix tradition fades away.
>> What about adding
>> export QUOTING_STYLE=literal
>> to /etc/profile as a fix?
> No, but you're free to do whatever you wish in /etc/profile.d (or lobby
> the coreutils maintiner to provide it with the package, although I'd
> suggest that it shouldn't get installed by default).

If upstream makes it easy to install such an example profile, I'll
likewise make it easy to install in cygwin. Otherwise, I don't see any
reason to go out of my way to make cygwin diverge from upstream.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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