On 03/04/2016 13:58, Tatsuro MATSUOKA wrote:

From: Marco Atzeri
To: cygwin
Date: 2016/4/3, Sun 16:29
Subject: Re: makeinfo causes perl error ? Cygwin X86 download today

On 03/04/2016 08:53, Tatsuro MATSUOKA wrote:
  I have clean all cygwin directory and re-installed the cygwin_x86
  in to tb my netbook working on Win 10 32 bit today.
  $ makeinfo
    6 [main] perl 37148 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed by
're.dll' (0x660000) is already occupied
  Can't fork, trying again in 5 seconds at
/usr/share/texinfo/Texinfo/Convert/Paragraph.pm line 123.
         8 [main] perl 37240 child_info_fork::abort: unable to remap
Encode.dll to same address as parent (0x160000) - try running rebaseall
  Can't fork, trying again in 5 seconds at
/usr/share/texinfo/Texinfo/Convert/Paragraph.pm line 123.
  I have tried rebaseall and re-install a few times. Nothing is improved.
  Any suggestions?

what is the output of

   rebase -si |grep "\/re.dll"

Thanks for the reply
$ rebase -si |grep "\/re.dll"
                                            base 0x26f30000 size 0x00083000

as re.dll should be loaded at 0x26f30000 but instead is loaded
at 0x660000 something is interfering.

Two possible reason:
- too many dll's. Look on "rebase -si" output to see
  what is the used range and if some are colliding ( the * reports them)

- some other programs are loaded in the same address.
  Look on /proc/self/maps for hint on space already used by system dll's.

I suggest to use 64bit cygwin when possible.
On 32 bit is too easy to collide.


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