I have uploaded mintty 2.2.4 with the following changes:

  * Font setup and configuration improvements.
  * Colour schemes / Theme files.
  * GUI configuration of wav file for terminal beep.
  * Startup error handling improvements.

Font configuration:
* Mintty adjusts row spacing according to the font metrics, to compensate for tight or tall spacing of some fonts (e.g. Consolas, FreeMono, Monaco). (The RowSpacing value is added to that.)
  * Adjusting font weight selection to available font weights (#520).
* New option FontWeight supports more specific font weight selection (#520).
  * Font selection menu has its own Apply button.
* Fonts with name problems (long names, #507) can be selected with the Apply button.
  * Warnings for font not found or not supporting ANSI character set.
  * Excluding fonts with OEM or SYMBOL charset from font selection menu.
  * Excluding vertical fonts from font selection menu.
* New option ShowHiddenFonts to offer monospace fonts marked to Hide in the menu.
  * Unicode-enabled Font setting (so e.g. mintty -o Font=Sütterlin works).

Themes, Configuration, and Options menu:
* Colour schemes: New option ThemeFile, configuration also in Options menu (~#193). * Configuration of .wav bell sounds (option BellFile, #369) in Options menu.
  * Resource directory $HOME/.mintty for theme and bell files.
  * Fixed -o settings to also be saved when changed in Options menu.

Keyboard and mouse features:
* Workaround for occasional Alt state inconsistencies after window focus changes (#519).
  * Compose key on wiki pages: replace AllChars with WinCompose.
  * Opening marked "www." addresses also without "http:" prefix (#345).

Start and error handling:
* Fixed -C/--loadconfig to not overwrite common options in main config file.
  * Fixed format substitution for log file in case of excess % conversions.
  * Report full pathname of log file if creation fails.
  * Improved and fixed format of child creation error messages.
  * Improved reporting failed icon loading with non-ANSI icon filenames.

The homepage is at http://mintty.github.io/
It also links to the issue tracker.


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