The ctrl-c shortcut doesn't reliably kill applications (anymore?). It has been that way for at least a year now.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ One example is the ruby "rerun" tool (at least when used with a sinatra app). The problem can be reproduced using these steps: 1. Default cygwin install 2. Install rubygems package 3. gem install rerun sinatra 4. Make sure the rerun tool is in PATH (or specify the path to it explicitly). I think rubygems installs executables from gems to ~/bin by default 5. rerun "ruby -e 'require(\"sinatra\")'" 6. ctrl-c 7. tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq ruby.exe" * Expected: No process * Actual: process is still running You might have to repeat steps 5 to 7 a few times for the issue to occur. Another problem is that Q sometimes doesn't exit rerun but only the app running inside, but that might be a problem with rerun itself or with the shutdown detection they use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another example is Vagrant. Although that is not a cygwin application, I usually recommend coworkers to use it with cygwin, because it benefits from mintty's better console. The problem there occurs when you invoke a long-running vagrant command (vagrant provision, for instance) and then cancel it with ctrl-c. If you do that, you're back at the bash prompt, but the provisioning run still goes on and spams the console, making it unusable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Under Kubuntu Linux 14.04/kde/konsole/bash, neither of these problems exist. What the two examples seem to have in common is that they're both one application invoking another: * rerun invokes sh -c "$1" (I think) * vagrant provision invokes (its bundled?) ssh I think this is a bug and should be fixed. Is the bug with Cygwin or should I report it elsewhere? - Björn Stabel aka. TomyLobo -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: