On 28/02/2016 05:25, Robert Haskins wrote:
I get the same exact result when running startxwin with the -nowgl option.

The output of the cygcheck.out as requested is attached.


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I see nothing strange on your installation,
eventually you can just update it.

xorg-server-1.18.1-1 was released 19 Feb
and you have it, but cygwin is at 2.14.1
and you are at 2.4.0-1

Just one curiosity ".babun" on your path has really a dot as
first letter or is just a character that cygcheck don't know
how to handle ?

I forgot to ask you if you have a ".startxwinrc" on your home,
but I assume no as you mention a installation.
If yes please move it away and try again.


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