Unfortunately I inherited this code which is huge. I do not know how
to create a simple case which will reproduce the behavior. Is there a
way to create the dlls which shed some light on the problem through
Thank you.

Here is the stack from gdb/where at the time it crashes.

#0  0x00000003fe819d25 in cygXm-4!XmRenderTableCopy ()
   from /usr/bin/cygXm-4.dll
#1  0x00000003fe7e5411 in cygXm-4!XmTextFieldSetEditable ()
   from /usr/bin/cygXm-4.dll
#2  0x00000003fe7e5917 in cygXm-4!XmTextFieldSetEditable ()
   from /usr/bin/cygXm-4.dll
#3  0x00000003fe619bb1 in cygXt-6!_XtAddDefaultConverters ()
   from /usr/bin/cygXt-6.dll
#4  0x00000003fe61a65c in cygXt-6!XtInitializeWidgetClass ()
   from /usr/bin/cygXt-6.dll
#5  0x00000003fe61a906 in cygXt-6!_XtCreateWidget () from /usr/bin/cygXt-6.dll
#6  0x00000003fe61abd9 in cygXt-6!XtCreateWidget () from /usr/bin/cygXt-6.dll
#7  0x00000003fe7e6511 in cygXm-4!XmCreateTextField ()
   from /usr/bin/cygXm-4.dll
#8  0x000000010097cfbc in mosprshCreateSpreadsheet (parentFM=0x600286760,
    spreadSheetTitle=0x1009ec40e <__FUNCTION__.12658+126> "Measuring
Unit Specification", rowNames=0x600288d50, columnNames=0x600265b80,
    mosprshCheckButtonCallback=0x0) at mosprshx.c:248
#9  0x0000000100982064 in moCreateSpreadsheet (parentFM=0x600286760,
    spreadSheetTitle=0x1009ec40e <__FUNCTION__.12658+126> "Measuring
Unit Specification", rowNames=0x600288d50, columnNames=0x600265b80,
    mosprshCheckButtonCallback=0x0) at mosprshx.c:678

On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 7:21 AM, Jon Turney <jon.tur...@dronecode.org.uk> wrote:
> On 15/02/2016 11:35, Girish Joglekar wrote:
>> I installed cygwin and cygwin/X 64-bit on a Windows 10 laptop. I have
>> an application that uses Motif and Xt libraries. It runs on Linux and
>> Windows Vista with cygwin cygwin/X 32-bit. On Windows 10 I get
>> segmentation fault in cygXm-4.dll in the function XmRenderTableCopy().
> Is this unnamed application available for others to try to reproduce the
> problem?
>> Please help. I can send screen dumps of stack. I do not know how to
>> copy from X term screen and paste into gmail on PC. Email with screen
>> is not deliverable to cygwin.
> Xterm copies text selected using the left-mouse button to the clipboard.
> Please attach your cygcheck output per https://cygwin.com/problems.html

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