Greetings, Gary Johnson!

> Recent releases of the Cygwin Vim package (starting with 7.4.1179-1,
> 2016-01-29) have included Red Hat's or Fedora's /etc/vimrc, which is
> loaded first when starting Vim.  That file contains a BufReadPost
> autocommand to do what you observe.

> I don't like it, either, so I have this in my ~/.vimrc:

>     " Remove the (annoying) /etc/vimrc autocommand that positions
>     " the cursor " to the location it last had when the file was
>     " closed.
>     "
>     if exists("#fedora#BufRead#*")
>         au! fedora BufRead *
>     endif
>     if exists("#redhat#BufRead#*")
>         au! redhat BufRead *
>     endif

> For Cygwin, you need only one of those, but I'm at home, my Cygwin
> installation is at work, and I don't remember whether Cygwin uses
> the Fedora or the Red Hat version of /etc/vimrc.

> You may want to take a look at /etc/vimrc and see if it makes any
> other settings you find undesirable and undo them in your ~/.vimrc
> as well.

It may be worthwhile to do this only for certain names of files.
Overall, I find having editor remember where I have been in the code useful.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Monday, February 15, 2016 00:21:34

Sorry for my terrible english...

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