On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 10:04 AM, Michele Modolo <mjkk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to install the latest version of Oracle Enterprise Manager
> (13c) for evaluation purposes. Oracle states that it "is certified and
> supported with Cygwin 1.7" so I'd like to install Cygwin 1.7.
> The current version of Cygwin is 2.4.1 and it seems there's currently
> no way to find the 1.7 version (which is the only one officially
> supported by Oracle as stated above) in your official website. Even if
> it (really) seems to be awkward...would you have any clue for me to be
> able to find and istall an outdated version?

This is copy/pasted from another email on this list I happened to
remember and be able to find again:

If you wish to download the old DLL + the old packages, you can obtain
them both with the "Cygwin time machine."

-- Erik

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