Rainer, please make sure your mailer doesn't break threading.  I tweaked
the "In-Reply-To" now to return to the original thread on the mailing
list.  Thank you.

On Jan 28 14:44, Rainer Blome wrote:
> Christopher Cobb wrote on Thu, 28 Jan 2016 01:27:16 +0100:
> > Or maybe chmod is broken, like it is on my machine
> [...]
> $ git init
> error: chmod on /cygdrive/c/base/bar/.git/config.lock failed: Invalid argument
> error: chmod on /cygdrive/c/base/bar/.git/config.lock failed: Invalid argument
> error: chmod on /cygdrive/c/base/bar/.git/config.lock failed: Invalid argument
> error: chmod on /cygdrive/c/base/bar/.git/config.lock failed: Invalid argument
> Initialized empty Git repository in /cygdrive/c/base/bar/.git/
> ----

> The problem appears when Git tries to `chmod config.lock`. Sounds
> like a mechanism to protect `.git/config`, so let's see what
> happens if I try to use `git config` to modify that file:
> ----
> git config user.email myusern...@xyz.org
> error: chmod on /cygdrive/c/base/bar/.git/config.lock failed: Invalid argument
> ----

Can you please run the same again under strace, e.g.,

  $ strace -o git.trace git config user.email myusern...@xyz.org

and send the git.trace file?

Also, please send the icacls output for the directory "bar" and the
directory ".git".

What's weird here is the EINVAL error.  I can't reproduce this on
my machine yet, but if I get more info I might be able to do so.

> $ icacls .
> . myhostname\myusername:(F)
>   myhostname\None:(RX)
>   Everyone:(RX)
>   myhostname\myusername:(I)(OI)(CI)(F)

It's not a permission problem per se.  There's no "Permission denied"
message, just an "Invalid argument".  I just fail to see why this


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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