Hi Corinna,

Just curious if there is a reason ...

I was able to extract cygpath.exe from cygwin-inst-20160121.tar.xz (snapshots)
in order to test your last modification to cygpath.cc. No problem here.

However, when examining the contents of the archive, I was surprised to find
the SAME version of cygpath.exe at least three times ...

The size of cygwin-inst-<date>.tar.xz (and cygwin-src-<date>.tar.xz) has grown
(suddenly) by a factor of 3 or 4 since 2015-07-20 ...

The same applies to winsup-src-<date>.tar.xz (since 2016-01-15) ...

In all cases it is because the archive contains the SAME version of a file at
least three times (as far as I can tell).

To summarize: No, I am not reporting a problem here; I am just _curious_ as to why these archive are so much bigger than they (apparently) need to be ...


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