Bump.  Any word on this?  We would like to solve this before our
customers run into the problem and having any diagnostics tips would
be greatly appreciated.  We are also in a bind because we have run
this by the Qt maintainers and they say they won't fix it.


On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 1:43 PM, Tom Kacvinsky
<tom.kacvin...@vectorcast.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Tom Kacvinsky
> <tom.kacvin...@vectorcast.com> wrote:
>> It turns out we are using the 32 bit version of cygwin, so I am going
>> to try with 64 bit cygwin and the latest possible version and see how
>> I fare.
> Happens with both 32 and 64 bit cygwin.  I'm out of ideas.  The
> developer here that I have been working with seems to think this ia
> cygwin bug as this didn't happen in the 1.7 releases, and the version
> of Qt we are using hasn't changed in between the cygwin versions we
> are using.
> Any other ideas?  Is there an environment variable or debug option we
> can set to help track this down?

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