Am 24.11.2015 um 23:29 schrieb Marco Atzeri:

On 24/11/2015 22:48, Jeff Hansen wrote:
When I ping a host, and the ping doesn't reply for a few minutes, I find the
ping hangs when I try to break out of it using CTRL+C.
IT is at this point I have to close the Mintty window completely and re-open
as it is unresponsive.
Any pings to a host that does reply doesn't result in a 'hung ping', as
described here.

I try my hardest to not bother you good people. but I am at my wits end at what to try here.
No worries. That's what this list is for.
Any and all suggestions that works towards a solution is
very welcome.
I assume it is an interaction with mintty.
Many problems of that kind attributed to mintty are actually problems with cygwin or especially pty.
Please test also with another terminal (xterm, rxvt, ...).
Also some more details could be helpful as I cannot reproduce the issue (output of `type ping`, actual host pinged).

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