On 11/24/2015 18:53, Marco Atzeri wrote:
> I built 2.25-4 for x86_64 using the x86 source and this
> problem seems gone.
> $ nm -l liboctave/.libs/cygoctave-3.dll |& grep Error
> produces no any more Dwarf complains.

Ugh, it was sitting in a queue for days, I forgot about it, will upload now.

> PS:
> Not sure if it is relevant for your build, but I noticed:
> checking for version 0.10 of ISL... no
> checking for version 0.11 of ISL... no
> checking for version 0.12 of ISL... no
> while
> $ cygcheck -cd |grep isl
> isl                                     0.14.1-1
> libisl-devel                            0.14.1-1
> libisl10                                0.11.1-2
> libisl13                                0.14.1-1

Not really relevant for binutils, just gcc.

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