On 11/19/2015 5:13 PM, Patrick Herbst wrote:

> As soon as i hit enter on "EOF" I get a BSOD RDR_FILE_SYSTEM STOP: 0x00000027

The full error context can be determined by turning on Full Memory Dumps
and then reproducing the error.  A MEMORY.DMP file will be written to
the %SystemRoot%\Windows directory.

You can load that file into windbg.exe aka Debugging Tools for Windows
which would need to be downloaded and installed.  Use the "!analyze -v"
command within windbg.exe to generate the full context of the kernel
exception.  It will tell you which device driver is at fault and what
the full stack is.

> Can anyone else
> 1) reproduce this?

Doesn't really matter since you can. The ability to reproduce a kernel
exception can be dependent on any number of environmental factors.

> 2) confirm this?
> 3) fix this?

Only the author of the device driver that is crashing will be able to
fix it.

Jeffrey Altman

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