Finally I restored the complete cygwin folder from a backup. Now Cygwin
works again as a charm. I conclude, that my system itself is OK and
something or the other might be broken in the current Cygwin version?
I once had this fork-error after a cygwin-update on windows 10. I
rebooted windows and all worked normal. Maybe that's what happened to
you also?
Thanks for the suggestion, but missing reboots are not the problem for
sure. As indicated I tried the base installs several times, always
alternating between 32bit and 64bit, always using a different mirror
and rebooted often (~10 times in the last day). Missing reboots also
should not cause the post install errors on the 32bit version IMHO.
Side note, if you wonder: XP 64 never got a service pack 3, only SP2.
And my system IS up to the last MS update.
Might be, I finally should update to W7 64, if XP 64 isn't supported
(any longer) by Cygwin.
Best regards, Georg
___ ___
| + | |__ Georg Rehfeld Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___ rehf...@georg-rehfeld.de +49 (40) 23 53 27 10
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