Jon Turney skrev:
On 29/10/2015 19:11, Hans-Georg Scherneck wrote:
it crashes on x_86 (i.e. 32 bit version) too, even after re-installing
the xorg-server packages.
xfig won't show the export window before it crashes. What else can I do?
Any step-by-step procedure with xorg-server renewal?
Is there an issue with Athena widgets?
I'd suggest, as an alternative workaround, with the current server:
ln -s /usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi /etc/X11/fontpath.d/xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi:pri=40
This was enough for me to get xfig to not crash when showing it's file open
It seems that xfig requires the font '*-times-medium-r-normal--16-*' for that dialog, but that is
not one of the sizes provided by xorg/font/adobe-*dpi (14 and 17 are the nearest), so we have to
allow this font to be scaled (or provide a scalable font which also matches that XLFD)
One could wish for xfig to provide a clearer indication of the problem rather
that just segfaulting.
(I note that xfig's file open dialog seems to hang if we navigate to the root directory, but I
guess that is a separate issue)
PROBLEM SOLVED thanks to your suggestion,
this was indeed the heart of the problem. The symlink solved the problem in a
Great many thanks. I hope, when this mail converation is recorded in the cygwin discussion forum it
solves the headaches of many other frustrated xfig users too.
Med vänliga hälsningar / With best regards yours -----
Hans-Georg Scherneck / A \
---------------------+----------------------------------- | / \ |
. Telephone & -fax | Chalmers University of Technology \ /
. +46 31 772 5556 | Earth and Space Sciences -----
. +46 31 772 5590 fx | & Onsala Space Observatory | |
. E-Mail: | SE-439 92 Onsala, Sweden / \
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