Am 28.10.2015 um 21:38 schrieb Duncan Roe:
As it happens, I also saw that message last night. I only wanted to *reinstall* everything I had installed previously, owing to AVG antivirus having deleted I don't know what.
One way to do that (if you really want to re-install instead of running cygcheck and just re-install those packages listed as incomplete) is to edit /etc/setup/installed.db so that each package version listed there is "outdated". The next time you run setup it will upgrade everything, which is thre re-install you want.
sed -re 's/( [a-zA-Z].*-.*-)[0-9]+\./\10./' \ -i.bak /etc/setup/installed.db -- Achim. (on the road :-) -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: